Google’s Matt Cutts: 为什么google在SERP中会改写你的网页title

Google’s Matt Cutts 最近发布了一个最新的视频,解释为什么在有的时候,搜索引擎SERP中并不是直接显示你原本的title,而是给你改写了。主要观点如下:


  • 算法会找到相对短的标题
  • 优秀的网页description
  • 是否与搜索查询的关键字相匹配。


matt 英文原文参考:

The criteria Google uses when coming up with a new title tag are:

(1) Something that is “relatively” short

(2) Have a good description of the page and “ideally” the site that the page is on.

(3) And that it is relevant to the query.

If your existing title tag fits the criteria, then Google will most likely use your title tag. If not, then Google may use (1) content on your page, (2) anchor text links pointing to the page and/or (3) may also use the Open Directory Project.


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